The biggest challenge ORK will face in the coming years is protecting the environment from the worst impacts of the Hyundai megasite. The 2,284-acre project sits just feet away from Black Creek, and the proposed Bryan County regional wastewater treatment facility will discharge into the Ogeechee River. Millions of square feet of warehouses have been proposed, each bringing with it filled wetlands, acres of impervious surfaces, increased heavy vehicle traffic, displaced wildlife, loss of tree canopy, risk of sedimentation, and more. In the upper watershed, citizens are assaulted with the detrimental effects of so-called “soil amendments.” Through the strategic organizing of ORK and our partners, we are poised to get substantial changes to the program this legislative session. Last year, Milliken closed its Longleaf facility located on the Ogeechee River. We are now working to ensure that shutdown procedures are handled responsibility. Le |